hey there

Monday, December 17, 2012

What have you all been up to lately? Sadly we were internet-less for the past week and haven't been able to update. But we're back on track with new internet coming this week so we can post and chat and skype much more!

Lately, I've been trying to get creative with my cooking. We're a bit limited by ingredients here, either because they aren't sold in the market or at the stores, or everything I need is quite separated in town. Breakfast has been my favorite. I recently decided that I need to document these meals better, they are really pretty! Thanks to my amazing mama for sending me gluten free flour and coconut oil, I've been baking plenty of cookies, pancakes and granola.

How pretty is this homemade orange jam? (Courtesy of our new friends). It tastes like Christmas. They're going to show us how to make it soon and I'm planning on documenting for a tutorial. Trust me, you'll want to try it out. This would be the perfect present!


  1. This is absolutely beautiful! What gorgeousness! I look forward to reading your recipes and seeing more pictures.


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