
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

It's always a good day when Sandra invites us over for a meal. These are shots from a breakfast she made a couple weeks ago before Julissa moved back to the States. We are so happy we met Julissa and her mom, Sanda, soon upon our arrival. They've been key people in helping us have an incredible experience here. And lucky for us, Sanda is an amazing chef! She owned a restaurant here in Chimaltenango for a good chunk of time. She lived in New Orleans for almost 20 years and brought a lot of tips and taste tricks from her time there and can piece together anything. We've been fortunate to experience her take on Guatemalan dishes. The breakfast shown was poached eggs on corn tortillas, with a homemade salsa, fried potatoes and freshly made papaya juice. First image was our appetizer - figs and a delicious miscellaneous fruit local to Guate. And of course, a meal isn't complete without a cup of joe. Sanda brews the best coffee, too. She owns a coffee farm and we went picking with her a few weeks ago! We might have also got carried away and brought 200+ bananas back from the farm, too. So this is our early exclamation of excitement for our dinner at Sandra's tonight. Don't worry, I'll document it for you. No doubt it will be picture-worthy.


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