Koda bear

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

 I can't believe this cute little fluffy pup is ours. We bought Koda for $5 off a farm full of stray dogs one week ago. He had his first visit to the vet on Friday and we're going to be bringing him home with us in May. He loves going for walks in the morning, cuddling in bed, and is already good about doing his business outside!
So excited to bring you home with us, little man!


  1. puppies of the south are my fav! SO CUTE! gosh why didn't i think of that? seriously brilliant way to get a doggy, and for cheap. i love him! he's so cute! great name too - i have two friends with pups that have that name... so perfect.

  2. @Kylie: Aren't they the sweetest?! We love this little guy (and that price tag sure is great!) I've never known a dog named Koda but now I'm seeing and hearing it everywhere. It fits him perfectly :)

  3. An adorable companion. I love your blog. I am impressed with the crisp clean overall look and the photography!


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